Closed petition Reclose schools for students aged 13 and above

Schools should remain open for children in KS1, KS2, Year 7 and Year 8. Students above the age of 13 should stay at home. Schools must continue to provide a full curriculum through online learning. Pupils who need additional support, or don't have access to a computer should continue attending.

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The rise in cases amongst young people, especially in secondary schools and higher education, suggests that the current guidance is not enough.

The NSPCC recommends that children under the age of 12 shouldn't be left home alone for long. If students aged 13 and above stayed home, parents/guardians could continue to go to work and the transmission of the virus in schools would decrease.

Schools would remain open at a reduced capacity, for any child who needs additional support or resources.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

474 signatures

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