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Closed petition Do not delay the Job Retention Bonus: businesses are relying on this money

When furlough was extended to March the Government also announced the Job Retention Bonus would no longer be paid in February. We ask that you don’t let businesses down, and don’t cancel or delay the payment we were promised we would receive in February, it is absolutely vitally needed.

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Many businesses will not survive without this. We need the Bonus payment and we need it in February. We have a legitimate expectation that the government should keep their word. We incurred costs by running the furlough scheme (NI, Pension, 10/20% contributions) but they were in part to be offset by the promised bonus. We made business decisions on this basis, it shouldn’t be removed. We appreciate the furlough scheme's extension, but that doesn't give the extra funding we need to help cover business costs.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

954 signatures

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