This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Stop plans to freeze Teachers, Teaching Assistants and School Admin Staff wages.
This is totally unfair the majority of teachers, teaching assistants and school admin staff worked throughout Lockdown to provide education for Key worker’s children, such as NHS staff, so they were able to continue working. This put Education staff and their families at risk of catching Covid19.
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People in Education have suffered 10 years of pay freezes and are now being punished for working during the pandemic. We helped The Government to allow critical key workers such as NHS staff to continue working whilst we cared for their children in a safe educational setting. Admin staff in schools have worked tirelessly during Lockdown to order and assist vulnerable families to access the Free School Meal Voucher Scheme and provided support to Teachers helping them provide continuous learning.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months