
This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Make it easier to end parental responsibility of abusive or neglectful parents

Parents automatically get 'parental responsibility' if their name is on the birth certificate, meaning they are responsible for their child's well-being. The Government should make it easier for to be removed if a parent has not acted in their child's best interests.

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The possession of 'parental responsibility' is often used more for parents having a "right to see their child" than its intended purpose: a parent's responsibility to protect the child.
Children under the age of one are the most likely age group to be killed by another person, and child deaths are most commonly caused by the child’s parent, but there are few cases of parental responsibility have been taken away.

Making it easier to remove parental responsibility from parents who do not act in the best interests of their children could help protect children who may otherwise be at risk.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

118 signatures

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10,000 signatures required to get a government response