The petitions site is closed.

There will be a General Election on Thursday 4 July. This means that Parliament has been dissolved and that all parliamentary business – including petitions – has been stopped.

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Closed petition Give employees a statutory right to time off for assisted conception inc. IVF

There’s no legal right for time off work for IVF treatment or related sickness. Although employers should treat IVF appointments and any sickness the same as any other medical appointment or sickness often this does not always happen. This can lead to significant difficulties for female employees

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This process is unpredictable and has ever increasing stakes, financially and emotionally. Timing of appointments are due to the body, as such adequate support is essential from an employer. Not all women can have children and those that require assistance should not be penalised. Without legal protection women have to inform their employers and explain in detail, which can be harrowing and demeaning in some instances. There is a lack of understanding and this can lead to discrimination at work.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

113 signatures

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Government launches public survey on a new Women's Health Strategy

The Government has launched a public survey, to help decide on what should be included in its new Women’s Health Strategy for England.

They want to hear from women of all ages and backgrounds about their healthcare experiences. This will help the Government consider possible changes to NHS services.

The survey is open to anyone aged 16 or over.

Share your experiences with the Government here, by 30 May:

Specifically, the Government wants to hear views on the following themes:

  1. Placing women’s voices at the centre of their health and care
  2. Improving the quality and accessibility of information and education on women’s health
  3. Ensuring the health and care system understands and is responsive to women’s health and care needs across the life course
  4. Maximising women’s health in the workplace
  5. Ensuring research, evidence and data support improvements in women’s health
  6. Understanding and responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on women’s health

Find out more about the Strategy, and the issues the Government wants to hear about in its survey, here:

Read the full Call for Evidence here:

What is the Women's Health Strategy?

The Government has promised to develop a new Women's Health Strategy. The Strategy will aim to improve the health and wellbeing of women across England, and ensure NHS services in England are meeting women's needs.

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, health services are the responsibility of the devolved Governments, so the Strategy will only apply to England.

Who is running the consultation?

The consultation is being run by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), the Government Department responsible for the NHS and oversight of social care in England.

Find out more about DHSC: