This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make frontline NHS health workers top priority for Covid-19 vaccination
Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers have higher priority for Covid-19 vaccination than frontline health workers. This should be swapped. For the NHS to survive the winter, NHS frontline staff must be vaccinated first. If not, there may be no-one left to staff the hospitals.
More details
During the first wave of Covid-19, many departments in hospitals were closed, re-deploying the staff from these departments to alleviate the stress and staff shortages on the wards. During the second wave of Covid-19, many non-emergency departments are now open, so there are no spare staff. This means many wards are short of staff, which is exacerbated by staff having to self-isolate because of the virus. The frontline NHS workers must be immunised for hospitals to maintain safe levels through the winter.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months
1,502 signatures
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10,000 signatures required to get a government response