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Closed petition Introduce a statutory bereavement policy into primary and secondary schools.

Losing a parent myself, I am aware of the emotional struggle of grief. As a trainee teacher, I have also seen the impact that grief can have on children's overall school experience. I am petitioning for the Department for Education to introduce a policy to help children through bereavement.

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A recent survey found that approximately 1 in 29 children suffer the loss of a parent or sibling, which equates to roughly 1 child per class. Growing up with the pressures of school and society is difficult enough for children, but the addition of grief can make it an even tougher process - leading to mental health struggles and behavioural issues. This is why it is vital for schools to help children to process the emotions that follow the impact of loss.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

1,829 signatures

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