
This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Introduce Dog Licensing and Registration

The introduction of Dog Licences will make it possible to find who is responsible for each dog, therefore making it easier to enforce laws. Our laws are so outdated where dogs are concerned, the breeding of poor examples, dogs being stolen to sell on or use as bait for dog fights etc...

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There has been a recent surge in people buying dogs which has led to more dog attacks, more dogs stolen, more dog fouling etc.. I want an overhaul of our legal stance on dangerous dog owners. These people do not care about these animals and their neighbourhoods. As an ex Dog Warden and a responsible dog owner I feel that enough is enough. With a licensing system and dog laws changed to back it up we can stop this awful trade of dogs and force people to be responsible for their own dogs behaviour.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

359 signatures

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