This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Restore Pre-Decimalisation Pounds, Shillings, and Pence Currency (£sd) System

Decimalisation came at the cost of a convenient system for the common citizen. The 240p pound was a Highly Composite Number, which allowed for a multitude of avenues to split it, unlike the 100p.

Returning to £sd will allow for greater convenience, easier sharing, and restore British history.

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Decimalisation occured in 1971 where British Currency converted from fractional breakdown of £sd to instead be decimalised like the USD.

Before, a Pound was 240p, a Highly Composite Number, which allowed many avenues for splitting down into lesser amounts; the Pound now is much less flexible.

Equally, fractional coins bypass the 1/3 problem. When you split 100 between 3 you are left with a remaining 1, creating an unfair share. When fractional, all parties can receive the same, 1/3, amount.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

21 signatures

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