Closed petition Do not deduct carers allowance pound for pound as its not work!

Carers allowance should not be deducted from income support or universal credit. People who work are able to earn money then get 66p deducted when over a set amount. Carers are not working.

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We are caring for vulnerable people in our lives 24/7. We attend appointments, have sleepless nights, and care daily. We never have a break. We are unable to work because of caring duties. We don't get breaks, we don't get holidays. If we're sick there is no one to help or take over our role. We shouldn't be discriminated against for caring for the vulnerable people in our life. Carers allowance is not for employees, we are humans sacrificing our needs to help those who need support.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

132 signatures

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