We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Require GP’s to complete health assessment forms for voluntary roles for free.

I have recently applied and been given an offer of becoming a community first responder (attending 999 calls on behalf of the ambulance service) this role is voluntary. GP’s must sign a form to say your in good health to carry out the role, however most GP’ charge for this around (£40)

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My GP surgery wants to charge me £40 to complete the form, most GP’s also have this charging policy in place. At a time of Covid-19 the ambulance service is even more stretched the it was prior to Covid. If you have willing volunteers to help reduce pressure and help care and save lives, why should we be penalised? The costs are not refunded by the ambulance service, and aswell as time we now must give our hard earned cash to volunteer.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

37 signatures

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