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Closed petition Fund extension of NHS LSF bursary for students taking a 2nd degree

The Government should fund the NHS to allow healthcare students doing a second degree to have access to the bursary. They do the same job as funded students but as they have to self fund their degree (because they aren’t eligible for student finance), they can not claim the £5000 bursary.

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Students who perhaps like myself wanted a career change, suffer financially to fund their own degree. Paying the £9250 student fees themselves. The £5000 Learning Support Fund NHS bursary would be a big help to students. They treat patients, they help patients, patients die in their arms. They do the exact same thing that students who are funded do, the difference is they pay for the pleasure. At a time that there is a national healthcare crisis these students are needed more than ever, support them.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

347 signatures

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