Closed petition Ban the display of meat products in food stores and butchers

Ban food stores and butchers from displaying meat products. This can be distressing to children and the ever-growing ethical vegan community. Help stop normalisation of animal agriculture by requiring meat products to be covered, as is done with cigarettes. Reduce desensitisation of humans to meat.

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Address the distressing norm in UK culture of openly having dead animals on display in food shops and butchers by requiring meat products to be concealed from public view.

Normalising the sight of dead flesh perpetuates the violation of animal rights. Children should not have their empathy removed by this societal norm. Ethical veganism has been recognised as a protected belief and the sight of dead animals on display can be offensive, traumatising and detrimental to an ethical vegan’s wellbeing.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

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