We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Release a plan of how tiers will lift based on rollout of COVID vaccine

The government keep stating that life will return to normal by Easter with the rollout of the COVID19 vaccine.
Hospitality has been hugely effected, especially event planning like weddings.
We need a specific plan stating how the tier system as the vaccination program progresses.

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Events and weddings have been dramatically effected since the pandemic began.
Constant uncertainty, legal insurance clauses and unfair contracts have left couples out of pocket and businesses in trouble.
The government need to acknowledge that tiers will not be lifted overnight that restrictions likely remain in place for some time until the vaccination program has reached sufficient numbers. Businesses and couples alike need a realistic plan of how this might look to allow for future planning.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

36 signatures

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