This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make trigger warnings of traumatic births and infant loss on TV shows mandatory
TV programmes showing traumatic births and/or infant loss currently can have no prior warning to the audience that the show contains such emotional and triggering scenes. This can have a negative effect on women and their partners who have personally experienced such horrific events.
More details
Baby loss and traumatic births are topics that are not widely talked about, and yet they affect so many people. People who experience events such as stillbirths, baby loss, emergency caesareans and haemorrhages are often left traumatised but expected to carry on with life 'as normal'. Watching such events on TV shows when you are not prepared for it can trigger flashbacks and cause severe distress. We are therefore calling for advanced warnings on programmes containing such scenes.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months