This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Ensure private candidates are able to take exams in 2021
The Government should ensure that private candidates get the exams they deserve. They have been continuing to learn throughout the pandemic and should not be held back.
More details
The Government was late to consider Private Candidates when it cancelled exams in 2020. This needs to be resolved urgently before deadlines in February. All candidates deserve a level playing field.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months
253 signatures
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10,000 signatures required to get a government response
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Government launches public survey on Autumn 2021 exams
The Government has launched a public survey to help decide how GCSEs, A-levels and other exams happening in England this autumn should be organised, including arrangements for awarding students' grades.
The consultation is being run by the exams regulator, Ofqual. They want to hear the views of groups including students who were expecting to take GCSE, AS or A level exams in the summer, and their teachers.
The consultation is open until 9 April.
Read a summary of Ofqual's proposals, and share your views with Ofqual, here:
Ofqual is suggesting that any student who receives a teacher assessed grade in summer 2021 should be able to enter the autumn exams; and that grades in the autumn exam series should be determined by a student’s performance in the exams alone. Students would then be able to use the better of either the summer or the autumn grade.
It is proposing that A level exams (and any AS exams) should be held in October, and GCSE exams in November and December.
Read Ofqual's proposals in full here:
What is Ofqual?
The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. This includes maintaining standards and confidence in qualifications in England, including GCSEs, A levels and AS levels.
Find out more about Ofqual here: