This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Prioritise one parent of young adults in care homes for Covid-19 vaccination.
This petition calls for parents..
To have the same rights i.e. getting tested regularly and getting vaccinated at the same time as the residents and the carers so we can see and touch our children.
More details
Parents haven't touched or cuddled their children in ten months. Parents have only seen their children outside from two metres away.Some residents haven't seen their families at all in this time as it causes them too much stress under these restrictions.
Most vulnerable young adults don't understand Covid -19.They are confused upset and sad and don't understand why their families don't touch / cuddle them anymore.
Parents are worried sick as cases rise that something will happen to their children due to Covid-19 or because of their existing condition and they havn't held them since March 2019.Touch is so important to vulnerable young adults especially from their families.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months