Rejected petition Introduce a Safety Net for 2020/21 students.

The Government should introduce a safety net like those were last year due to the effects of the pandemic on university students. We are faced with a equal or even more challenging situation than those last year and we should be protected like those were last year.

More details

A Levels and GCSE exams have been scrapped with some students receiving face to face learning. We have received non and with some courses it is crucial to have face to face learning. We are paying over 9,000 pounds for a substandard experience and low quality of education. Furthermore, we are expected to perform to a high standard or like previous years whilst living in ‘unprecedented’ times. Teaching is not at a high standard, so why are we expected to perform the same?

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

Decisions about the assessment of university courses are a matter for individual universities, not the UK Government or Parliament.

The Office for Students has published guidance for providers about quality and standards during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which sets out its expectations regarding teaching and assessments:

If you have concerns about your university's arrangements for teaching and assessment you should raise these with your university or the Office for Students, which regulates the higher education sector.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.