Rejected petition Introduce a law compelling social media platforms (SMPs) to respect free speech

I want UK laws on free speech to apply to all social media discourse conducted as output from the UK. I want financial penalties and other appropriate sanctions applied to social media platforms (SMPs) that breach UK law and I also want (SMPs) to be obliged to establish proper appeal methodologies.

More details

Social media platforms (SMPs) are devising "community standards" they apply to all users. These, whilst perhaps motivated by good intentions, run counter to the UN Declaration on Human Rights which guarantees free speech even on privately-owned forums. UK law also grants free speech. Unfortunately, SMPs do not and nor do they offer a right of appeal against decisions rapidly made, often by "bots". The sanctions applied can have serious implications for people earning a living using SMPs

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

The UK Government and Parliament aren't responsible for the terms and conditions of individual social media companies.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.