We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Rejected petition Educate All Secondary School Pupils About Mental Health

Secondary school pupils/ teens tend to suffer from mental health issues such as depression all too often, this petition would make educating all pupils about mental health stigma mandatory and teach them ways to fight it.

More details

The government has a responsibility to educate and help our students about not just their physical health, but also their mental health which is just as important. If this petition was passed to the government, it may make them understand that many parents of children with mental health issues feel they are being let down by the system and that more could be done to help their children, as while young they are more open to help and change. Often, young people feel ashamed to ask for help.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

You are more likely to get action on this issue if you sign and share a single petition.

You may wish to sign this petition calling for the same action: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/561016

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.