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Closed petition Make the wearing of face masks mandatory for all shop staff.

Government & medical advisers have often said that, wearing a mask does not protect you, the wearer, from catching the virus, it protects others from catching it from you. Why am I not being protected from the cashier? How many asymptomatic cashiers are handling our food, products, talking to us.

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I have been concerned for some time that supermarket cashiers do not have to wear a mask whilst handling your food and products. The most important commodities to our existence are not being considered as important as cashier's comfort. Surely public health comes way ahead of comfort, and in any case tell that to the NHS wearing it day in, day out. Please consider making the wearing of masks mandatory for all shop staff. If only as another form of risk limitation.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

39 signatures

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