This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Allow all parents studying at university to receive the Child Care Grant (CCG).
Leaving a secure job to attend full time education during a pandemic is very daunting. Especially when you have children and you need to financially provide for you family.
Enabling all parents to access the CCG will provide the security needed to study.
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Full time child care fees can cost £1000pm or more. Many parents would usually rely on family members to provide extra support. However, due to the rise in covid cases, many support networks have now decreased.
Students are now expected to pay for their essentials, rent, bills, and child care fees on a capped limit of just under £19000. Even with the supporting maintenance loan, some parents are left living in poverty. Wondering how they manage and if it’s even worth studying at all.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months