Closed petition Allow zoos and safari parks to open with social distancing measures in place

Children’s mental health is suffering during these lockdowns. There are no entertainment venues open, and they cannot socialise. It has already been proven that outdoors the virus is very unlikely to be transferred. To improve mental health, zoos, safari parks and farms should be allowed to open.

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I am a mother of three children, and I have noticed my children’s mental health take an impact. It seems we are now closing venues for the sake of closing venues. There is much evidence to suggest the virus doesn’t transmit easily in outdoor spaces, and with social distancing measures in place, zoos, farms and safari parks would be a welcomed distraction from everything going on in our young children’s lives. Our children are desperate for adventure and this would be a safe option for them.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

12 signatures

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