Rejected petition Postpone the missed CCCU graduations until it is safe to host them.

The students of Canterbury Christ Church University would like the university to overturn their decision of a virtual graduation and instead postpone the events until it is safe to host them.

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For years we students have given everything to our university degrees and work towards the honour of a graduation ceremony. With all that we have suffered due to the pandemic it would be a great injustice to make students suffer further by taking away the last thing we had to look forward to in these dark times. Students pay universities enough money every year for them to set aside funds to give us a live ceremony even if it is shorter, it is our rite of passage.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

The arrangement of graduation ceremonies is a matter for individual universities, and not the Government or Parliament. You should contact your university to see what arrangements they have made for graduation.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.