This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Extend EU Citizens' Deadline to Apply for UK (Pre-) Settled Status till 2023

We are in the middle of a pandemic. EU citizens in UK need more time to apply for settled or pre-settled status. The deadline for doing so needs to be extended by two years until 30th June 2023

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Most EU citizens in UK need to apply for settled or pre-settled status by 30th June 2021 or risk becoming illegal immigrants overnight. In the midst of the pandemic with travel restrictions, office closures etc this is practically impossible to achieve for many. With the ongoing risk of new variants of Covid-19 and the need to adapt the vaccines accordingly, an extension of two years will allow more time to get on top of the pandemic and enable necessary travel to offices and support centres

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

4,830 signatures

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