This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Do NOT spend £28 million on the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022

The £28 million earmarked by the Government to fund a celebration for one of the richest individuals in the country would be better spent on key worker salaries etc, helping the poorest in society, and helping the economy / struggling businesses recover from the pandemic.

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In its announcement, the Government listed this initiative under the heading 'investment-led recovery' so presumably it sees this as a way of stimulating the wider economy indirectly via various local celebration grants etc. But the Great British public really don't need any help celebrating a 4-day bank holiday in 2022. This money would be better spent directly on local services to deliver sustained value and helping the most needy causes rather than frittered away on a one-off celebration.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

496 signatures

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