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Closed petition Raise NHS Staff pay by a minimum 5% for £18-25k, 4% for 25k-35k

A Minimum of 5% pay rise for staff on £18-25k, which is £900-£1250 which is a fairly expected payrise for a extremely tough job. A Minumum of 4% pay rise for staff on £25k-35k which is a £1000-£1400.

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Outrage for all NHS staff workers who have sacrificed so much over the last year, putting their own lives at risk to care for the masses. 1% Payrise is a £220 pay rise for an average salary of £22k, the cost of one months food, do we need to remind ourselves the payrise MPs got?

Lets not pretend the government don't have surprise pockets they've pulled money out of before. Perhaps the military can take a hit to cover the other saviors in our nation.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

26 signatures

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