Rejected petition Allow all citizens the right to marry in line with national Covid restrictions

Weddings between 29th March and 17th May can currently only take place in religious venues or ‘public’ buildings e.g registry offices. Yet 71% of couples marry in other licensed venues. We want the government to allow weddings to go ahead in all licensed venues in line with Covid restrictions.

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Between 29th March and 17th May, the location of where a couple has chosen to marry currently affects whether they can go ahead with their ceremony. Many couples cannot change their venue due to needing to give 28 days notice of a change in venue. We are petitioning for the government to allow all citizens the right to marry by allowing weddings to take place in all Covid safe, licensed venues, in line with national Covid restrictions

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

We're not sure what you'd like to change such that weddings could proceed "in line with Covid restrictions".

You may wish to sign this petition which calls for a similar action:

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