Closed petition All public transport workers to be trained to tackle sexual assault & harassment

Make it compulsory for all companies providing public transport services to train their staff in dealing with sexual assault and harassment on public transport. Work towards making public transport a sex-pest free zone.

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97% of young women have been sexually harassed, it is clear that women’s safety in public spaces is an issue that needs to be addressed. Billions of public transport journeys are made each year and far too many of these are marked by interactions with sex pests. Making it compulsory for all public transport providers to educate their staff on these issues would reduce these incidents by deterring sex pests and give victims the confidence to speak out and know they will be supported.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

1,577 signatures

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Government announces new strategy for tackling violence against women and girls

On Wednesday 21 July, MPs questioned Victoria Atkins, the Minister for Safeguarding, on the Government's newly published Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, following a ministerial statement.

In her statement, the Minister set out the actions the Government will be taking in response to the issue of violence against women and girls, including a national communications campaign focused on targeting harmful misogynistic attitudes, educating young people about healthy relationships, and ensuring that victims can access support. She also announced the launch of a £5 million 'safety of women at night' fund.

Watch the Government statement and MPs' questions:

Read the transcript:

Read the Government press release on the launch of the Strategy:

Other actions set out in the strategy include a review of options to limit use of non-disclosure agreements in cases of sexual harassment in higher education, the appointment of a new national policing lead on violence against women and girls as well as two new violence against women and girls Transport Champions, and plans to criminalise so-called 'virginity testing'.

The Minister's statement also thanked the over 180,000 respondents to the public call for evidence on this issue, which she said had helped shape the Government's approach. It also confirmed the Government plans to publish a dedicated domestic abuse strategy later this year.

What is a ministerial statement?

Ministerial statements are a way for Ministers to bring an important matter to the attention of MPs, often at short notice. You can find out more about them here:

Ministers are the MPs and members of the House of Lords who are in the Government. They are appointed by the Prime Minister and each given a specific area of government policy to oversee, for example education, health and social care, or national defence.

Some senior Ministers are also referred to as Secretaries of State. Ministers speak on behalf of the Government during parliamentary debates and must answer questions put to them by other MPs or members of the House of Lords.