Closed petition Lower the age a stillborn baby can legally be registered, to 16 weeks old.

A baby has to be 24+ weeks in order to be registered.

Many babies born before 24 weeks, survive. Those that don't, never legally exist.

My first baby passed away at 23 weeks and 5 days.

I was told, "he is a still born, but legally he is considered a late-term miscarriage."

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When you think of a baby in utero, your mind often imagines how a baby looks at 12 weeks. My baby was healthy, had perfect proportions and would have fought strong if he had the chance.

Despite him being considered a "late-term miscarriage," I was still required to give birth to him naturally.

It is devastating to give birth (in anyway), to a baby who's cry you'll never here. To then be told he is not legally considered a human being, only a statistic.

Help us recognise our babies lives.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

69 signatures

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