Closed petition Ban the serving of red & processed meats in schools and nurseries

The World Health Organisation has listed processed meat as a class 1 carcinogen which puts it in the same category for known cause of cancer to humans as smoking and asbestos (though it acknowledges that they are not all equally dangerous).

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An analysis of data from 10 studies estimated that every 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by about 18%. Red meat is also listed as a class 2 carcinogen which means there is strong evidence of its link to causing cancer.

Cancer rates are on the rise. Limiting the amount of processed and red meats children eat from a young age could help to change this and prolong children’s life expectancy, every child deserves a good start in life.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

140 signatures

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