This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make VAT on Second Hand Clothing 0 Rated.
I have a vintage second hand clothing shop. Myself and many other sellers are being forced to increase our prices by 20% to cover VAT at certain thresholds. Our products are second hand and have already had VAT paid on them originally. Sustainable fashion is now more expensive.
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With VAT already being paid on second hand clothing by the original owner, the VAT on second hand clothing should be made 0 Rated like kids clothing. This allows wholesalers to reduce their prices, allows shops like mine to reduce my prices and then overall allows myself and others to make second hand SUSTAINABLE clothing more affordable, accessible and appealing. The customers are suffering the most, paying 20% extra, the same people who are choosing to be sustainable and make a difference.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months