This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Send excess equipment to countries in humanitarian covid crisis
Thankfully Britain has seen reduced numbers of the Corona virus. Unfortunately places like India are going through their second wave of covid. I propose that the UK Government immediately lends/donates excess ventilators etc to countries going through humanitarian covid crisis e.g. India.
More details
Thankfully the UK now has reduced Covid cases. We are in a very privileged position having excess equipment. Sending excess equipment to places like India is right; Ethically-To do everything we can to reduce loss of life. Politically - To help build relationships with places like India. Scientifically - If covid exists anywhere it will travel everywhere. Financially - Strengthening relationships with other countries may lead to future trade. Historically - Centuries old links with the Commonwealth.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months