This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Allow individual local authorities to choose their own voting system

Currently, local authorities (so councils) are forced into a specific voting system in this country, and for most of them (bar Scotland & Northern Ireland), that means the undemocratic First Past The Post. I would like Parliament to pass legislation, giving local authorities the power to choose.

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This petition is important to the democratic legitimacy of this country. Different areas have very different needs in terms of their councils, and I believe that the voting system must be reflective of that. If an individual council, decides that First Past The Post (or MMP, or STV, or whatever they choose), then that must be respected and implemented. The needs of a rural council compared to a metro council in terms of representation is vastly different, and we need to reflect those differences

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

17 signatures

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