This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make care leaver bursaries for higher education available to ages 25+
Care leaver bursaries are available for those in higher education, but mature care leavers (25 and over) cannot normally access the bursary unless they were under 25 at the start of their course. Higher education providers can choose to offer bursaries beyond this, but most do not.
More details
Last year 37% of undergraduate students were mature students. And "care leavers who do go to university are less likely to do so straight from school at age 18, and only 11.8% enter by age 23." (UCAS, 2021).
Making care leaver bursaries available to over 25s would ensure that care experienced people receive support no matter what age they enter higher education.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months