Closed petition Implement an unconditional Universal Basic Income to over 16s in UK

Begin a genuine unconditional and permanent Universal Basic Income (UBI) program, that gives all UK residents over the age of 16, £1250 per calendar month, regardless of employment status or any other factor, to replace Universal Credit (UC) whilst maintaining other benefits (child, disability...)

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Universal Basic Income (UBI) could massively decrease poverty, improve conditions of living for many residents of the UK, and increase people's contribution to the economy beyond housing, food and transport, ultimately growing the economy over time. Enabling time for further education, and searches for more favourable jobs, increasing job satisfaction. Work will give purpose and provide more luxuries, whilst the worry of being able to buy food and pay for accommodation is massively reduced, decreasing stress.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

73 signatures

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