Closed petition Introduce a minimum of 3 hours of mandatory PE in schools per week.

Have it written into the national curriculum that 3 hours of PE per week is mandatory for all students. Develop a culture within our education system that values exercise as a fundamental component of wellness. And an area of study that is equal to Maths, English and Science in terms of importance.

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Exercise is scientifically proven to enhance all aspects of being and living. Fitter student's are happier, healthier and more productive members of society. Why then would you, as government, not seize the opportunity to maximise their exposure to exercise through increased PE. By introducing more PE, you are investing in our most precious resource, our young people. And at the same time helping to tackle the biggest global threat to our health and wellbeing in the form of sedentary lifestyles.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

31 signatures

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