We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Fund anti-bullying campaigns and training to support LGBT pupils in education

We would like the government to provide funding again to schools. To help them run campaigns and anti-bullying awareness schemes for LGBTQ+ pupils. LGBTQ+ Pupils are at a higher percent of being bullied at school for being LGBTQ+.

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Young people are our future. By not funding projects that help stop bullying towards LGBTQ+ pupils, is denying them a good start in life. LGBTQ+ people have a higher percentage of mental illness. Young LGBTQ+ people are more likely to self harm and commit suicide from bullying due to their identity. With the government now allowing the teaching of diversity and inclusion on the curriculum, LGBTQ+ anti-bullying campaigns should run alongside this, as they come hand in hand.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

97 signatures

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