This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Extend death by dangerous/careless driving offences to apply on private land

In the Road Traffic Act 1988, S.1 and 2B state that death by dangerous driving & death by careless driving must occur on a road or public land.

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This should be extended to apply to private land when all other requirements of the offence apply as the defendant’s level of danger or carelessness does not differentiate.

In October 2019 my dad tragically passed away when he was hit by a lorry. There was no prosecution as it happened on private land, even though all other relevant sections of the legislation applied in this case.

Families like my own have received no justice just because of the location. The defendant acts just as carelessly or dangerously, depending on the offence, whether it is on public or private land, however this loophole in the law creates devastating consequences for families like mine.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

206 signatures

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