Closed petition Fund planting of female trees in urban areas to counteract high pollen levels

I want the growing Pollen Problem to be addressed. It transpires that there is a relatively simple solution to the high levels of pollen that are responsible for hay fever, asthma and other allergenic responses. Plant more female trees in urban areas!

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The NHS has estimated that there are over 10 million hay fever sufferers in England. It is a condition that can become onset at any age.

Horticulturists have proposed a simple solution to this wide reaching debilitating health condition. Use female dioecious trees in urban planning to counteract the pollen produced by male dioecious trees.

I’ve lived with hay fever for as long as I can recall. It is truly debilitating. Together we can change the quality of life for many.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

61 signatures

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