Closed petition Make it a requirement that electrically powered vehicles make a noise.

Make it law that ALL electric motor vehicles, including scooters make a constant noise through an Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) to warn people that the vehicle/s are approaching. This is an important health and safety matter for everyone, not just the visually impaired and blind.

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It is an extremely important and serious Health and Safty issue.
Sighted people also use their hearing to tell if there is any oncomming traffic.
The AVAS (electronic warning noise) will help to prevent many unneccessary accidents. It is a legal requirement in Australia and the USA for all electrec vehcles to make a noise. The EU are also making AVAS a legal requirement.
So I think that the UK should also follow suit.
I am blind. I have been hit by someone driving an e scooter on the pavement. I would not have been injured if I had known that the electrec vehcle was aproaching. If the vehicle had an Acoustic Vehicle Warning System attached.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

50 signatures

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