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Closed petition Devolve employment law

Despite fire and rehire, the use of apprenticeships as an excuse to pay lower wages and an increase in zero-hour contracts across the entire union, only Westminster can legislate on employment law.

This must change.

Employment law must become a devolved matter.

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The Acas Report showed 1 in 10 employees face fire and rehire. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation reported that despite living in a household with at least 1 person in employment, 56% of people were living in poverty, and 7 in 10 children are plunged into poverty while living in a working household.

Yet devolved governments have no say in improving these situations for their people. It is time to give the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish governments the power to legislate on these matters.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

90 signatures

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