This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Increase driving licences categories for those who passed before 01/01/2001
This would then give more people the opportunity to get into hgv and lgv without having to spend hundreds if not thousands on obtaining the licence needed. This will also help with the shortage of drivers the country is facing now.
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Someone who passed before 01/01/1997 can drive more categories than those who passed after that date without having any experience in those categories so why not change the dates to the 01/01/2001 so that anyone who passed before then will have the same entitlements. You will then have a larger pool of people who can then get into these industries to help with the national shortage. Companies could then provide training on the job rather than having to pay for people to go through a full test.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months