We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Rejected petition Stop mandatory vaccination status to enter venues - protect freedom of choice

The government announced that from Sept establishments such nightclubs will need to prove double vaccination status. This contravenes articles 8 & 14 of the human rights act that protect integrity, also our right to choose and that secures freedom without discrimination on any ground or opinion

More details

In 1933 the German government introduced the Aryan certificate to prove a person was a race, this was first required by public sector workers then over time through legislations comprised laws that segregated the Jews from society & restricted Jewish political, legal and civil rights. We're on a dangerous parallel path that started this year with compulsory vaccinations for those within the care sector. We now plan to discriminate law abiding non vaccinated peoples freedom and access to venues.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

You are more likely to get action on this issue if you sign and share a single petition.

You may wish to sign this petition which calls for the same action: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/575801

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.