Closed petition Ban new waste incinerators and phase out current incinerators

There are many low carbon recycling alternatives to incinerators which can often be done nearer the generated waste, and create many jobs in the green industry.

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Banning new incinerators and setting a policy to phase out existing incinerators would be a timely policy as the UK hosts COP26.
Incinerators give out millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide, and also give out very small particles (PM2.5 and less) which can get into the blood stream and do damage to any of the many organs. Nitrous dioxide, an acidic gas, is given off, which can adversely affect respiration. Recent studies have found that even very small concentrations of aerial pollutants can do damage. It has been estimated there are 7 million deaths worldwide each year due to air pollution.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

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