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Closed petition Count the duration of Tier 5 type visa toward the ILR for health workers

I came to UK on Tier 5 type visa working as a doctor had the same duties of others on Tier 2 visa during the pandemic and couldn't leave the country because of the situation. I hope that could be counted in the duration time needed for ILR.

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I feel it's quite unfair to not count the duration time I spent in UK doing the same duties and pay the sames taxes as others on Tier 2 as healthcare worker specially in the pandemic time and not count this towards the ILR. I am now switching to skilled worker visa but was thinking why not as long as i have the needed evidences and documents confirm my role and explain that there was no difference between me and others in terms of work duties and responsibilities. Hope that to be considered.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

54 signatures

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