Rejected petition 🛑 STOP BBC from filming bad publicity about holiday experiences in Skegness

The bbc are requesting on Facebook people who will come forward and report bad holiday experiences from holidaymakers and make a film of it … Skegness like many holidays resorts has suffered financially through The pandemic

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The government need to no about this as this is the last thing Skegness wants when we’ve been relying on government money to keep all businesses afloat through such hard times we don’t want negativity for our town of Skegness we need positive experience and pleasant holidays and fun so we need you to step in to stop this from happening

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

Petitions must call for a specific action that the UK Government or House of Commons is responsible for.

Decisions on what the BBC chooses to film is a matter for the BBC, not the Government or House of Commons.

The BBC is an independent body governed by a Royal Charter. Under the terms of that Charter, the BBC is operationally and editorially independent of government and there is no provision for the Government to intervene in the BBC’s day-to-day operations.

As a result it is not possible for the Government or House of Commons to take the action you have requested.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.