This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Allow disabled people to recruit live-in carers via Health and Care Worker visas

Enable disabled people with care needs to apply for a sponsorship licence and visas for live-in home carers from abroad. To do this, the Home Office needs to treat the disabled person as an approved employer and recognise live-in carers as a permitted occupation for this visa.

More details

In 2019/20, the UK had around 112,000 social care vacancies. A live-in carer is classified as unskilled and is on call 24/7. It is a physically and mentally exhausting role requiring stamina, patience and kindness. They need to live in someone else’s home away from their own home, family, partner and social circle. It is not a popular job in the UK. The dependent disabled need to recruit abroad, be self-reliant, spend 100% of budget on actual care and avoid agency fees.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,916 signatures

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Share your views on the National Disability Strategy with MPs

MPs on the Women and Equalities Select Committee have launched a new inquiry into how the Government’s National Disability Strategy is working, and how the Strategy might develop in the future.

They would like to hear the views and experiences of the public and interested groups as part of their inquiry, and they especially want to hear from as many disabled people as possible.

More information about the inquiry and how to submit your views is available in multiple formats (including audio, British Sign Language and EasyRead) here:

Among other topics, the Committee is seeking views on:

  • What progress has been made on the Strategy so far
  • How effectively the Government is communicating with disabled people
  • Inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities and autism
  • How the needs of disabled people can be reflected in the post-pandemic recovery

The deadline for sending your views to the Committee is Sunday 24 July.

What is the Women and Equalities Committee?

The Women and Equalities Committee holds Government to account on equality law and policy, and examines cross-Government activity on equalities. It's a cross-party committee of MPs and is independent of the Government.

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The Women and Equalities Committee is a ‘select committee’. Find out how Select Committees work:

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MPs debate visas for industries experiencing labour and skills shortages

On Tuesday 8 November MPs debated the idea of a temporary recovery visa for industries experiencing labour and skills shortages. This was a Westminster Hall debate, led by Tim Farron MP.

What are Westminster Hall debates?

Westminster Hall is the second chamber of the House of Commons. Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local and national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Westminster Hall debates do not end in a vote.

Find out more about Westminster Hall debates

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Share your views on the cost of living and financial support for disabled people

The MPs on the Petitions Committee have scheduled a debate on two petitions about the cost of living and financial support for disabled people:

Marsha De Cordova MP, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked to open the debate, which will take place on Monday 22 May.

Share your views

To inform the debate, we would like to hear from you about your experiences of and views on the cost of living and financial support for disabled people and people with a long-term health condition.

You can share your views with us by completing this survey

The survey is also available in the following formats:

The survey will close on 31 March.

A summary of responses will be published on the Parliament website. It will also be shared with MPs and may be referred to in the debate or within other parliamentary documents. Please don't share anything that may identify you.

Watch the debate

The debate will take place on Monday 22 May at 4.30pm.

A British Sign Language translation of the debate will also be made available on Parliament Live TV.

What are petition debates?

Petition debates are ‘general’ debates which allow MPs from all parties to discuss the important issues raised by one or more petitions, and put their concerns to Government Ministers.

Petition debates don’t end with a vote to implement the request of a petition. This means that MPs will not vote on financial support for disabled people at the end of the debate.

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MPs hear from disabled people on National Disability Strategy

A cross-party group of MPs called the Women and Equalities Committee, has heard from disabled people and representative organisations on the Government’s National Disability Strategy.

The Government’s Strategy was declared unlawful by the High Court last year due to failures in the consultation process. As a result of the ruling, 14 policies have been paused. The Government is appealing the ruling, with the hearing likely to take place this Spring-Summer.

The Committee examined the Government’s engagement with disabled people and heard views on the Health and Disability White Paper, published alongside the Spring Budget, priorities for the Disability Action Plan and compliance with international obligations.

The Committee also explored policy for non-visible disabilities and health conditions, including chronic illness, mental health problems and deafness

Further information

What is the Women and Equalities Committee

The Women and Equalities Committee is a cross-party group of MPs who look into the work of the Government Equalities Office (GEO).

The Women and Equalities Committee is a select committee. Find out how select committees work.

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