Closed petition Fund routine prostate cancer screening tests for men from the age of 50

1 in 8 men in the UK will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, 130 men a day are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and 1 man dies every 45 minutes from Prostate Cancer. Caught early enough you can be treated and survive, but survival rates for Prostate Cancers diagnosed at stage 4 are much lower.

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A lot of men are not aware of Prostate Cancer or do not want to see a doctor. Prostate Cancer now kills more people than Breast Cancer in the UK and a lot of other countries in the world. Men in the UK need to be made aware of this horrible disease. Regular testing should be introduced to help catch the disease early. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer 23 months ago and given 3-5 years to live.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

374 signatures

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