Closed petition Scrap rise in National Insurance and use a Wealth Tax to save NHS & Social Care

The increase to NIC cuts take-home pay for lower earners & younger workers. It also increases costs for small businesses.

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A 1% tax on millionaire households in the UK could raise an astonishing £260 billion in 5 years (see Wealth Commission report). The NIC hike might only raise £36 billion/3 yrs.

Experts from LSE, the University of Warwick, and a barrister advising High Net Worth individuals state in the Wealth Commission report that a one-off wealth tax would work, raise significant revenue, and be fairer and more efficient than the alternatives. A wealth tax like this demonstrates that there are better ways to raise serious tax revenue to save the NHS and social care.


This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

196 signatures

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